A meeting with my recently passed father.
Yesterday I wondered what my father is up to since his passing a few months ago. I mentally determined to try to visit him next time I was Out of my Body. Last night, after falling asleep, at one point I woke up already disengaged from the physical. As I floated there, the thought of visiting my father flashed through my mind. Instantly I was at some home. The place was a mess with clothing and garbage everywhere. As I explored this place I found a few people living there.
I felt the presence of my father getting closer. As I looked at a doorway, he came through it. He was accompanied by his wife that passed before him. I tried talking to them but immediately became aware that they could not see me which is weird because we were all disembodied at the same time. Curious as to what they were up to. I followed them around. They were talking to each other as they walked through this place commenting on how people were not taking care of the properties that they had left behind.
I got the impression that they were going around eavesdropping on their earthly affairs and people. I decided to return to my physical and focused on it. I felt the bed beneath me as I faded in. I wondered how long it would take for my dad and her to shift there focus away from the physical. It is always curious to see what people do when they shed their physical body. Some move on quickly to other realms and others hang around. I will see you again soon.
Posted in Adventures and tagged afterlife, dead, deceased, obe by Louis Ruiz with no comments yet.