What is an Out of Body Experience

I will define what the Out of Body experience means to me as a long time practitioner. In its most simplest terms, it means ANY state of consciousness where your focus of attention is not through your physical body. By this very definition, you are out of your physical body when your focus of attention is in a dream, etheric, astral, mental or any other body then the physical. So if you are in a dream and you feel like you are consciously there, then you are out of body. Each of these areas that you may travel to are just different areas of The Greater Reality (TGR). None of these realities are any less real than any of the others, they are simply different locations of TGR. I will touch briefly here on some of these locations but will go into deeper details in another post.


Here are two scenarios where it is an out of body experience but too two different locations in TGR. The mental and relaxation pathways will be exactly the same.

 Scenario one in the Dream World: I lay down and begin to relax. I sweep my body mentally for tension spots and focus on “Letting Go” any tensions I find. I then just place my attention in the spot of the third eye region. After some time with my attention on this spot, I begin to get spontaneous fleeting dream images. I keep my attention on The Spot until the dream images become dream sequences that last longer. I then move my attention from The Spot to the dream sequences. At this point the dreams become more vivid and my attention is now completely in the dream state. I do not feel my physical body at all just the perceptions inside the dream world. At this point I do whatever it is I want to do for this journey in my dream body.

Scenario two in the Etheric World: I lay down and begin to relax. I sweep my body mentally for tension spots and focus on “Letting Go” any tensions I find. I then just place my attention in the spot of the third eye region. After some time with my attention on this spot, I begin to get spontaneous fleeting dream images. I keep my attention on The Spot until the dream images become dream sequences that last longer. I continue to keep my attention on The Spot until I feel a numbness spread throughout my body. This numbness is sometimes followed by vibration but not always. I then roll off the bed as if tho I am physically rolling off the bed. I then stand up and look at the bed to confirm that my physical body is still laying there. If my physical is laying there, I then exit through a wall to the outside of my home. At this point I do whatever it is I want to do for this journey in my etheric body.

I will expand on this topic in other posts and in the comments.

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How to become visible while you are nonphysical

This technique is to be practiced once you have exited your physical body. Now, while out of body, begin to hum. That’s right hum just as if you were in the physical using your mouth. Let the hum’s vibration begin to spread through out your nonphysical body. Once you feel it all over, begin to slow down the hum. The hum that is vibrating around your nonphysical body should begin to slow down at the same time. The lower you vibrate, the more visible you will be to others on the physical plane. You can actually fully materialize and interact with the physical world. This same humming method could be used to increase your vibratory frequency. This is also useful for entering higher frequency domains since you will be able to control the frequency of your nonphysical body. I personally have used this method to materialize in front of others. Sometimes I just lower my frequency enough to move physical objects around like a poltergeist. This is definitely a powerful technique which will help advance your nonphysical ability to interact with the physical world. Enjoy!!

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How to Shapeshift

magnet_iron_filings Since the beginning of time magical people of all cultures have guarded their mystical secrets. One of the most jealously guarded secrets is the ability to shape shift. Here, in the paragraphs to follow. I will reveal it! Let’s start with some theory to bring some light as to how physical shapes are created all around us. The best way to explain it is with the experiment using iron filings to reveal invisible magnetic lines of force. The experiment goes this way. You get a bunch of iron filings and place them over a sheet of paper. You pass a magnet under the sheet of paper and the iron filings will immediately move and take on the shape of the invisible magnetic lines of force. If you change or move the invisible lines of magnetic force, you will see the immediate reaction and consequent change of shapes taken by the iron filings.
Now, to bridge this theory to the seemingly magical ability to shape shift. The iron filings work the same as the atoms that compose your physical body or any other physical object. The atoms align to the invisible etheric lines of force that give shape to all things physical. When you leave your physical body via an out-of-body experience and you are walking around in the same environment that your physical body is in, this is your etheric body. To shape shift, once you are out of your body, you must change the shape of your etheric body. Then while maintaining the new shape, re enter your physical body. The atoms of your physical body will instantly realign to the new shape. The change will be instant. The new physical shape will slowly morph back to your old body after a few hours. The new shape can be maintained for as long as the etheric shape that is holding it together is maintained. To change back immediately or to another shape it will be necessary to exit your physical body again, change your etheric body and re enter your physical while maintaining the new shape desired.
werewolves Through out history there have been many types of shape shifters, like werewolves and vampires. Usually these shape shifter types have two etheric bodies. For example: One regular human etheric body and one wolf etheric body. They can switch between etheric bodies which instantly reorganizes the atoms into the new shape. There are many shape shifters hiding amongst the general population. It may be someone you have met on the street or can even be a co-worker. They are every where and you can now be one too. The only difference with a werewolf and your shapeshifting abilities will be that you will not be subject to only one shape. Well, there you have it. The secrets of shape shifting. Enjoy!!

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The Holographic Theory of The Universe

holographic Science and spiritually seem to meet when we explore The Holographic Theory of The Universe. We seem to be relearning knowledge that was known by the ancients as our science progresses to understand our reality and our place in it. To understand what is meant by this statement, here is some background to clarify the points.

A hologram is created when a laser is passed through a beam splitter. One beam hits an object (an apple for example) and the other beam hits a photographic plate. Now all the information on the apple has been inputted to the photographic plate. All you see on the plate is a bunch of concentric circles. Like throwing rocks into a pond. You get a lot of circles flowing outward. The information is encoded on the plate. The only way to decode the information is to pass a laser beam through the photographic plate. On the other side of the photographic plate will appear the whole apple in full 3D. All the information contained in the photographic plate is nonlocal. This means it is contained in every part of the plate. For example, you can cut the plate in half and pass a laser beam through any of the pieces. On the other side, the 3D apple will magically appear. You can cut the photographic plate into a thousand pieces and the results will be the same. The apple will magically appear again. The information is everywhere and nowhere, it is nonlocal. The only thing that can decode the information is a laser beam. A laser beam is also called coherent light. This means that all the photons are traveling in the same direction. Focused light.

Our Universe is composed of waves of vibrational energy. These waves are like the waves that are created on the photographic plate in the explanation above. Our Universe is a 3D reality we create by decoding bits and pieces of it through our senses. For example, our eyes only pick up a narrow band of frequencies we call the visible light range. How can we see the whole universe. Just like a small piece of the photographic plate with a laser to decode the whole information, what can we use to decode The Holographic Universe?

Meditator Since time immemorial, mystics from every culture have been describing states of enlightenment and methods for reaching it. Whether they call this state Samadhi, Nirvana or any other name. They all describe the same state and the methods to reach them are similar. “Bring your mind to one pointedness.” “Concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of all others.” “When you reach enlightenment: The observer and the observed become one and in that moment. You know everything and know nothing. You are every where and no where.” These descriptions of enlightenment make sense when you realize that your mind has light like properties. Your mind is like the laser and when you reach a state of coherent thought or focused attention, you decode the universe. The piece of the universe that is used to decode the whole is whatever is the thought or object that is being focused on. This means that focused attention is the method to decode the secrets of the universe and Science is only now catching up to what the Ancients already knew.

Meditation is one sure fire way to reach enlightenment. The road to enlightenment comes with many benefits. As your ability to focus your consciousness increases, so will these benefits. The ancients described many of these benefits as Powers. These powers are wide and vary. Some developed powers include super healing, out of body experiences, mind reading, flying and mind over matter. Learning to have a laser like focus will also help us on our day to day activities. The Holographic Theory of the Universe helps explain this ancient knowledge in modern terms. To become enlightened is the goal.

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