Shapeshifting with a twist at the end

Sunday 7-14-2013

wolf1  After watching the latest episode of Teen Wolf on the Internet, I decided to lay down and enjoy an Out of Body experience with some shapeshifting included. As I was relaxing into the proper state I felt I was ready and decided to get up and out. I stood in the room feeling very strange.

 I walked outside and decided to shapeshift while OBE into a wolf. I slowly shifted and ended up on all fours. I ran towards and leaped over our fence. I began running through the hop fields that surround my house. I marveled at how I felt so normal in this new body I had shapeshifted into. The feeling of absolute power and freedom were making me drunk with happiness.

 After about an hour of running through the fields, another canine appeared and we ran together for a bit longer. I did not know who this other person/wolf was. The next thing I know I am lying in bed again and it is now morning. “Wow, totally amazing!” I wake up Roz (My girlfriend) and told her about my experience as a wolf. 

 After our morning routine she walks out through the back door and screams for me to come see something. There on our back porch steps were dog/wolf muddy paw prints leading into the house. In amazement of what this meant I followed the paw prints into the house and they lead into our bedroom. As I walked into the bedroom I was sure they would lead to my bed but instead they lead to the chair in front of my computer. That is where the trail of paw prints ended. I then realized what this meant. I thought I had shifted while out of body but had actually shifted while in the body.

 Shifting in the body is not unusual for me but what had shocked me was the fact that I thought I had done it while OBE. With this thought I told Roz I needed to take a walk/run through the fields. I began running through them as I recalled last nights adventure and contemplated who the other wolf must be. I guess I am not the only shape shifter in my neighborhood!

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